Sunday, 6 January 2013

Don't call me maybe at 3am

First some context. So I have this ex. We broke-up when he moved to further his career. As he is a recurring character, lets call him Finance Guy. Inevitably, he comes home once a month to see his family and friends. Long story short. I have attempted over many years, not months, YEARS, to get him to understand that booty calling me at 2:30am every month a) doesn’t constitute a “visit”, b) is not a relationship and c) really pisses me off. See me during normal people hours and then maybe, just maybe, I will want to see you at 2am buddy. Seriously, this is not a difficult concept. What he has yet to grasp is the longer the booty calls continue the more resolved I grow not to see him. I’m not the type to be worn down. Anyways. What follows is an approximate transcript of one of our recent bbm convos. You’ll get the drift. He did not. Again. Years. Like years I tell you.

Boy 2:25am: are u out?
Girl 2:26am: no, not tonight
2:27: i wanna see u
        come get me
2:28: we’ve talked about this.
2:29: i wanna see u
        come get me
(sigh obviously drunk. It’s like the groundhog day of booty calls. This is usually the point when I get annoyed. He’s kinda bossy no? I WAS sleeping quite nicely. Thank you)
2:30: come get me
         call me
         c'mon u know i love uu
         come get me
         call me
(so this is new. Pulling out the big guns. Damn him. I start to soften). I call him. No answer. Probably because he is sending me another message. I leave a vm.
2:32: come get me
         I love u
2:34: call me
        I love u
2:35: call me
On and on until I eventually fall asleep. He never did call. This will be an interesting convo when he sobers up tomorrow. Seems he is very interested in a loving relationship between the hours of 2 and 5am only. Until next visit Finance Guy.