Sunday, 29 July 2012

I'm a busy girl. Don't waste my time.

So I meet this guy. Cute, smart, and ambitious. Check, check, check. Actually wants to talk to me. Check. Actually listens when I talk. Check. Is affectionate and demonstrates he likes me. No check. Fun dates pass and when we part I’m left with two good hugs and an inner seething anger and resentment toward this seemingly nice guy. Does he just want to be my friend? Wasting my time.

What does it say about me that I’m irritated by a guy who wants to talk to me and get to know me? It’s suspicious behaviour I tell you. I suffer from an affliction called “can’t-we-just-get-this-over-with”. The beginning days of a relationship are not fun and exciting. They are stressful and annoying. I just want to know if the boy likes me. If not, fine. I move on.
Here’s what the problem is. Are you “romancing” me or are you just wasting my time till some other chick comes along. Cuz really I don’t have time for that shit. I prefer straight-up. If you are just after the goodies then best be telling me up front. Don’t pretend to want to be my boyfriend and date me. Wasting my time.

Hmmmm.... if I really think about it boys just really can’t win. If they are all over me immediately, I’m turned off; if they aren’t all over me, I’m suspicious. Whatever. Man up.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

I ain't no sugar momma boy

In the sadly continuing theme of cheap men I date, there is this first date. After being hunted down and chased like a deer in fall, I agreed to a date with the young and determined one. I live outside of the city so I tend to cut dates some slack when it comes to transportation issues. So until he can figure out the bus schedule I pick him up. I am not thanked. In conversation he is refreshingly honest. “I’m a full-time student right now, working only part-time. I don’t have lots of money to go out on dates and to buy you things.” Hmmmmm okay I’m thinking. I like that he’s being upfront and honest. There are lots of things we can do for free in the summer. Points. Then he opened his mouth again: “will you buy me things?” I must have mis-heard him. A few too many rums. “WHAT?” I ask rather incredulously. If he was smart, he would have corrected himself regardless. “Will you buy me things?” he repeated. “You would pay for me at the movies right?” What can I say? There was no second date. That boy had balls though. I’ll give him that.